Montag, 29. November 2010

29. One Hell of a Demon - This Demon has Birthday

TODAY IS MYYYY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


o.o actually....i won´t celebrate it....
T_T there are some facts which don´t allows it.

Sonntag, 21. November 2010

21. One Hell of A Demon - This Demon has a cold....

Today it´s really cold outside.
and I think I got a cold. -.-"
I hate it to be ill....anyway, tomorrow I have to go to my work.

Congratulations to Hiro!
She´s now a Kiten-mum XP
I feel happy for her!

What more?
Well at the moment I am watching Pirates of the Carribean.

And there are still eight days left till my birthday!

Mittwoch, 17. November 2010

Dienstag, 16. November 2010

16.1 One Hell of a Demon - This Demon has a Song

I'm Alive lyrics

Nothing I say comes out right
I can't love without a fight
No one ever knows my name
When I pray for sun, it rains
I'm so sick of wasting time
But nothings moving in my mind
Inspiration can't be found
I get up and fall but...

I'm ALIVE! Oh, yeah
Between the good and bad's where you'll find me
Reaching for heaven
I will fight
And I sleep when I die
I live, My life, I'm ALIVE!

Every lover breaks my heart
And I know it from the start
Still I end up in a mess
Every time I second Guess
All my friend's just run away
When I'm having a bad day
I would rather stay in bed
But I know there's no reason

When I'm bored to death at home
When he won't pick up the phone
When I'm stuck in second place
Those regrets I can't erase
Only I can change the end
Of the movie in my head
There's no time for misery
I won't feel sorry for me

16 - One Hell of a Demon - This Demon needs a new flat XD

Wie man es schon ahnt,
heute war mal wieder Wohnungssuche angesagt.
Diesesmal in Bernau, war eigentlich eine kleine Wohung! (1-Raum), gut gelegen,
mit Kaisers und KIK (ja.....genau sowas brauch ich ja alles --") egal hauptsache essen is vor der
tür XD
Bus hält vor der Tür was will man eigentlich mehr?
Heute steht noch an:
Wäsche waschen,
Hamster säubern,
ENS schreiben;
FF schreiben
Weihnachtsgeschenke basteln XD

Montag, 15. November 2010

15.1 One Hell of a Demon - This demon visits a WORLD TOUR!

Today I bought Tickets for the Girugamesh-World Tour as well

I am so excited to see this amazing Group of crazy guys again XD

15 One Hell of a Demon - This Demon is hungry and tired

Jahaaa heute bin ich also wieder arbeiten.
War eigentlich ganz chillig, wenn......ja wenn die Weihnachtsdeko nicht wäre.
Langsam hasse ich den Laden mit dem Krempel -.-
Am Mittwoch gibts dann Bilder von meinem Disaster.

Achso...denn hatte ich den ganzen Tag nichts zu Essen und stand kurz
vorm einschlafen...wobei ich nichtmal weiß warum.

Sonntag, 14. November 2010

14. One Hell of a Demon - This Demon loves Kitten.

Today I spent my day with Melo,
it was a long time since we met.
Now she lives in Marzahn and it´s quite a sweet flat.
She also has a Kitten called:


It´s soooo cute!
I totally felt in love Ö____Ö

and we´ve talked a lot.
Especially about the 85% - man XD

That´s a good code-name I think I will call him like that in my blog.
Also I need to ask him after a photo for
my book

13. One Hell of a Demon - This Demon has a good day...

Today I spent my day at work...after that I met Zukki and Panda-Aki again and we went to Kentucky fried Chicken.
We´ve eaten something and waited for sano.
After Sano joined the round came some other girls...
I just known one of them.
well afterwards (and after Zukki realized that she wanted to help Panda-Aki)
I drove alone to Hiro´s home.
I was nervous end felt really...strange, but I was so unbelievable happy when Hiro called me to ask
if I came.
We watched a talent show and afterwards we made a lil OZ-Evening.
That´s the reason of the OZ-Pic above it was taken on Halloween and it´s sooo funny.

Anyway...I am happy that the day went well.
It´s getting better...I think

Donnerstag, 11. November 2010

11 One Hell of a Demon - This Demon is so unbelievable happy

Since today I definetly love Christmas Eve.

1. It´s Taras B-Day
2. This christmas is a special one.

It´s not the same like last year or before.
There will be a person more and
I´m so happy and excited.

But also really nervous coz it´s a person which confuses me and my mind o///o"

Mittwoch, 10. November 2010

9. One Hell of a Demon - This Demon is Hungry

Today I was at a Ramen-restaurant together with Zukki.
It was sooo unbelievable funny.
I had to laugh so stomach is still hurting.

Afer a visit at the Neo Tokyo
we went to go there.
Zukki was eating something...spicy XD without knowing.
I just was eating a Ramen and and Asahi-beer.

I had to show Zukki the waiters...
one of them is...a lil
and the other one always reminds me at Tam

Donnerstag, 4. November 2010

4 One Hell of a Demon - This Demon has A FACT OF LIFE!

Today I´ve bought the tickets for -OZ-
the first four tickets are for:
and one for myself.

the second round are for

and the last round is just for me:

to munich I will drive with Dai.

and nooow waiting for the tickets!

Dienstag, 2. November 2010

1. One Hell of a Demon - This Demon starts a new life....

Heute ist es nun endlich soweit,
ich eröffne meinen neuen Blog.

Und nicht nur das ich eröffne damit auch einen neuen Lebensabschnitt!
Ich lasse einiges zurück und fange etwas neues an.
Ich lasse vielleicht Gefühle zurück, vielleicht Personen,
aber nie was ich wirklich Liebe.

Dennoch...von manchen Dingen muss man loskommen,
denn sie zerstören einen egal wie gut sie sind oder scheinen.
Es gibt eben Unterschiede zwischen Gut und Gut.

So wie es Unterschiede in Böse und Böse gibt.
Was mich angeht....
denke ich bin ich eine Mischung....
ein guter Dämon....
ja das trifft es in etwa.

Und somit leite ich meine Revolution ein,
leite ich meine Wiedergeburt ein.
Ein neues Leben.
Mein eigenes Ich!